Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Mama's View of Olivia's Day

Thanks to Daddy, Mama gets to view Olivia's day through pictures.  It makes the work day so much more bearable to see that little face....even when she refuses her naps.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Love My Sunnies

8 Months

8 Months Old

Olivia's pediatrician told us that things would start moving very fast between 6-9 months.  Who knew that 8 months would be such a milestone.  Olivia now has two teeth and seems to be working on another.  She's exploring in eating more solids and enjoys making a gigantic mess while doing so.  She started pulling herself up to her knees in her crib and just last week upped it to a stand.  She likes to stand and play in her crib instead of waking Mom & Dad.  And, just last week she started crawling.  She's been working on this for a while, but she officially crawled across the room and hasn't sat still since.  Our little blessing is growing up so fast.  We cherish every moment.

Snack & Play