Sunday, April 17, 2016

Hugs & Kisses for Puppy

Olivia just started giving her animals a kiss and hug this week.
These kisses are for Buster the puppy...

Friday, April 8, 2016

Ten Months

At ten months Olivia is crawling, walking the furniture,
and taking one step in between objects.
She loves to play peek-a-boo and will put the blanket over her own head
so you will say "Peek-a-boo!".
She claps and is working on High-5 and waving bye-bye.
She loves to try and copy what you're doing.
She is definitely Daddy's girl, the world is "Dada" to her.
She has 5 teeth and two more that are coming in.
She's working on learning words but has found a whole new
vocabulary of babble this past week.
We just love our sweet & sassy girl!